Page 69 - 106考選統計-光碟
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Table 4 Statistical Analysis of All Examinations, 2017 (5/11)
(Ⅳ)Senior Professional and Technical Examinations
到考人員 錄取或及格人員 到考率 錄取或
(%) 及格率(%)
Actual Examinees Qualified Examinees
人數 平均年齡 專科以上 人數 平均年齡 專科以上
(歲) 比率(%) (歲) 比率(%)
Persons Average Age Rate of Persons Average Age Rate of Examination
(Years) College & (Years) College & Attendance Qualification
Above Above Rate Rate
73 306 27.87 99.33 19 011 24.59 99.81 78.23 25.93
27 909 30.14 99.85 6 058 27.39 99.92 74.12 21.71
45 397 26.47 99.01 12 953 23.28 99.76 80.99 28.53
38 064 25.39 98.81 12 780 22.75 99.75 90.47 33.58
10 161 26.35 99.94 3 086 24.91 99.97 90.06 30.37
27 903 25.04 98.40 9 694 22.06 99.68 90.62 34.74
12 575 26.95 98.19 1 947 25.25 99.02 87.02 15.48
3 398 27.89 99.94 27.58 100.00 86.99 17.19
9 177 26.61 97.54 584 24.25 98.61 87.04 14.85
25 489 24.62 99.12 1 363 22.30 99.88 92.28 42.50
10 833
6 763 25.58 99.94 2 502 24.28 99.96 91.69 37.00
18 726 24.28 98.82 8 331 21.70 99.86 92.49 44.49
930 28.54 99.46 375 30.02 100.00 97.18 40.32
518 29.62 99.42 206 30.37 100.00 95.93 39.77
412 27.17 99.51 169 29.60 100.00 98.80 41.02
188 27.97 97.34 6 35.67 100.00 93.53 3.19
5 37.20 100.00 90.98 4.13
121 29.56 97.52 1 28.00 100.00 98.53 1.49
67 25.09 97.01 369 29.93 100.00 98.15 49.73
742 28.68 100.00
397 29.64 100.00 201 30.20 100.00 97.54 50.63
168 29.61 100.00 98.85 48.70
345 27.58 100.00