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Table 4 Statistical Analysis of All Examinations, 2017 (6/11)
(Ⅳ)Senior Professional and Technical Examinations
到考人員 錄取或及格人員 到考率 錄取或
(%) 及格率(%)
Actual Examinees Qualified Examinees
平均年齡 專科以上 平均年齡 專科以上
人數 (歲) 比率(%) 人數 (歲) 比率(%)
Persons Average Age Rate of Persons Average Age Rate of Examination
(Years) College & (Years) College & Attendance Qualification
Above Above Rate Rate
355 26.31 100.00 161 23.13 100.00 85.75 45.35
98 24.43 100.00 70 23.20 100.00 89.91 71.43
257 27.03 100.00 84.26 35.41
91 23.08 100.00
74 30.68 100.00 6 27.67 100.00 69.16 8.11
15 29.13 100.00 3 24.67 100.00 71.43 20.00
59 31.07 100.00 3 30.67 100.00 68.60 5.08
281 25.16 100.00 155 22.95 100.00 91.53 55.16
83 23.58 100.00 67 23.13 100.00 94.32 80.72
198 25.83 100.00 88 22.82 100.00 90.41 44.44
631 31.69 100.00 327 30.06 100.00 81.74 51.82
150 30.89 100.00 70 29.67 100.00 78.13 46.67
481 31.94 100.00 257 30.17 100.00 82.93 53.43
264 32.12 100.00 142 30.43 100.00 83.02 53.79
59 31.41 100.00 33 30.79 100.00 78.67 55.93
205 32.32 100.00 109 30.32 100.00 84.36 53.17
367 31.38 100.00 185 29.78 100.00 80.84 50.41
91 30.55 100.00 37 28.68 100.00 77.78 40.66
276 31.66 100.00 148 30.05 100.00 81.90 53.62
2 403 25.47 100.00 461 23.59 100.00 78.48 19.18
406 25.70 100.00 82 23.90 100.00 74.36 20.20
1 997 25.43 100.00 379 23.52 100.00 79.37 18.98
887 26.76 100.00 72 25.24 100.00 75.68 8.12
151 27.21 100.00 11 26.55 100.00 70.56 7.28
61 25.00 100.00 76.83 8.29
736 26.66 100.00
1 516 24.72 100.00 389 23.28 100.00 80.21 25.66
255 24.80 100.00 71 23.49 100.00 76.81 27.84
1 261 24.71 100.00 318 23.23 100.00 80.94 25.22