Page 73 - 106考選統計-光碟
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Table 4 Statistical Analysis of All Examinations, 2017 (7/11)
(Ⅳ)Senior Professional and Technical Examinations
到考人員 錄取或及格人員 到考率 錄取或
(%) 及格率(%)
Actual Examinees Qualified Examinees
平均年齡 專科以上 平均年齡 專科以上
人數 (歲) 比率(%) 人數 (歲) 比率(%)
Persons Average Age Rate of Persons Average Age Rate of Examination
(Years) College & (Years) College & Attendance Qualification
Above Above Rate Rate
3 30.67 100.00 3 30.67 100.00 100.00 100.00
2 31.50 100.00 2 31.50 100.00 100.00 100.00
1 29.00 100.00
1 29.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
520 28.64 99.04 249 25.30 99.60 82.67 47.88
281 30.19 98.22 112 25.54 99.11 76.99 39.86
90.53 57.32
239 26.82 100.00 137 25.09 100.00
162 31.69 97.53 45 27.98 97.78 76.06 27.78
95 33.85 95.79 18 29.22 94.44 70.90 18.95
84.81 40.30
67 28.61 100.00 27 27.15 100.00
358 27.27 99.72 204 24.71 100.00 86.06 56.98
186 28.32 99.46 94 24.84 100.00 80.52 50.54
110 24.59 100.00 92.97 63.95
172 26.13 100.00
116 26.22 100.00 97 25.30 100.00 95.08
12 25.92 100.00 10 25.00 100.00 100.00 83.65
104 26.25 100.00
87 25.33 100.00 94.55 83.05
59 24.34 100.00 49 22.84 100.00 95.16 81.82
11 23.45 100.00 9 22.89 100.00 100.00
48 24.54 100.00
40 22.83 100.00 94.12
650 25.30 100.00 376 23.32 100.00 90.78 57.85
360 27.04 100.00 179 24.64 100.00 89.11 49.72
290 23.13 100.00 197 22.12 100.00 92.95 67.93
9 256 31.05 99.84 924 26.91 99.89 83.25 9.98
5 120 33.01 99.73 470 27.83 99.79 81.66 9.18
4 136 28.63 99.98 85.31 10.98
454 25.96 100.00
2 601 29.11 100.00 422 27.25 100.00 32.94 16.22
1 032 29.11 100.00 184 26.54 100.00 33.66 17.83
1 569 29.11 100.00 238 27.80 100.00 32.49 15.17
4 180 29.84 100.00 640 28.10 100.00 72.29 15.31
783 29.67 100.00 120 27.96 100.00 72.63 15.33
3 397 29.88 100.00 520 28.13 100.00 72.22 15.31