Page 75 - 106考選統計-光碟
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             Table 4 Statistical Analysis of All Examinations, 2017 (8/11)
                  (Ⅳ)Senior Professional and Technical Examinations

         到考人員                                  錄取或及格人員                      到考率      錄取或
                                                                              (%)  及格率(%)
         Actual Examinees                      Qualified Examinees

人數           平均年齡          專科以上       人數           平均年齡             專科以上
                (歲)        比率(%)                      (歲)           比率(%)

Persons      Average Age    Rate of   Persons      Average Age   Rate of    Examination
                (Years)    College &                  (Years)   College &   Attendance Qualification

                             Above                                Above          Rate Rate

1 840        30.89         100.00         143      27.89            100.00  76.73  7.77

  347        30.47         100.00              30  27.30            100.00  77.63  8.65
1 493        30.98         100.00                                           76.52  7.57
                                          113 28.04 100.00

2 340        29.01         100.00         497 28.15 100.00                  69.15  21.24

  436        29.03         100.00          90 28.18 100.00                  69.10  20.64
1 904        29.01         100.00         407 28.15 100.00                  69.16  21.38

    341 39.95 100.00                           29 38.17 100.00              58.09  8.50

    232 40.76 100.00                           25 38.96 100.00              57.71  10.78
    109 38.21 100.00                            4 33.25 100.00              58.92   3.67

    421 35.55 100.00                           74 36.49 100.00              67.47  17.58

    289 36.51 100.00                           50 37.54 100.00              67.21  17.30
    132 33.43 100.00                           24 34.29 100.00              68.04  18.18

2 890        33.83         100.00         230 35.39 100.00                  69.45  7.96

1 989        34.77         100.00         168 36.58 100.00                  70.43   8.45
  901        31.76         100.00          62 32.18 100.00                  67.39   6.88

6 218        30.82          99.89         952 29.71                 99.79   60.39  15.31

4 426        32.04          99.84         708 30.84                 99.72   58.75  16.00
1 792        27.82         100.00                                           64.86  13.62
                                          244 26.43 100.00

    318 34.53              97.80               32 29.38 100.00              58.03  10.06

    283 34.92              97.53               27 30.07 100.00              58.23   9.54
                                                5 25.60 100.00              56.45  14.29
         35  31.37         100.00

         36  44.19         100.00              12 43.00 100.00              78.26  33.33

   35        44.29         100.00              11 43.18 100.00              77.78  31.43
     1       41.00         100.00
                                               1 41.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
   20        34.35         100.00
                                               4 34.75 100.00               95.24  20.00
   20        34.35         100.00
      -          -               -             4 34.75 100.00               95.24  20.00
                                                                                -      -
3 294        31.63         100.00              --                   -

1 701        33.17         100.00         814 32.24 100.00                  86.23  24.71
1 593        29.98         100.00
                                          465 34.00 100.00                  83.55  27.34
                                                                            89.29  21.91
                                          349      29.90            100.00
   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79   80