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The recent years have seen a decrease in the number of registrants for national exams. In 2023, twelve Civil Service Examinations and ten Professional & Technical Personnel Examinations were held. Out of 345,328 registrants, 246,173 sat for the exams and46,929 passed. For more detail, see Figures 1 & 2 and Tables 1 & 2.



File Name
National Examination Registration(2004~2023)
Open new window for Open National Examination Registration(2004~2023).pdf
Candidates Qualifying in All Examinations(2004~2023)
Open new window for Open Candidates Qualifying in All Examinations(2004~2023).pdf
Open new window for Number of  Registered Candidates for National Examinations (2014-2023)(jpg)
Open new window for Number of Qualified Examinees for National Examinations (2014-2023)(jpg)
Update: 2024-05-31
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