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Publish Date 2022-08-31
Title More than 7000 nursing professionals certified in two exams in 2022.

According to MOEX, the number and quality of medical personnel are crucial to public safety and wellness. On healthcare frontline, nurses account for more than half of the medical workforce. So far, more than 180,000 people have passed the registered professional nursing exam. They are indispensable to Taiwan's healthcare system. The exam is currently held twice a year, once during January and February, and again during the graduation season in July and August to allow new graduates the chance to quickly obtain licenses and begin practicing their skills.

MOEX statistics show that a total of 7,049 nursing personnel have passed this year's exam, with 1,031 passing the first exam and 6,018 passing the second. These candidates have received excellent training at schools and have passed subjects such as basic medicine, basic nursing and nursing administration, medical-surgical nursing, obstetric and pediatric nursing, psychiatric nursing, and community health nursing and will become a new force in health care. MOEX, as a bridge between education and hiring institutions, adheres to a strict selection process and fulfills its examination responsibilities to maintain the professionalism of the nation’s nursing workforce and the quality of the nation’s medical services.

MOEX pointed out that to alleviate the impact of the pandemic on the tight medical system and provide sufficient nursing manpower for places such as medical institutions, long-term care facilities, nursing homes, county and city public health institutions, and schools, an additional exam will be held in November 2023 to add new nursing blood in times of both pandemic and peace.

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