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Publish Date 2023-05-23
Title Construction of new examination quarters and a multifunction exam center to begin in 2023

At the 103rd meeting of the Examination Yuan’s 13th term held today, MOEX presented an update to its plan for building new exam quarters and a multi-function exam center. All attending Ministers without Portfolio were supportive of the project and made suggestions for follow-up development, with hopes that new facilities using modern technologies can make national exams more digital and flexible.

MOEX stated that quickly-evolving information technology and internet applications have made selection processes flexible to the point that exam question design, exam locations, and other exam facilities should also be modernized in time to meet transformation and innovation needs. It has been more than 20 years since the inauguration of the examination quarters and the national examination center. The space and facility services no longer serve modern use, nor do they guarantee assistance for candidates with disabilities. When MOEX needs to borrow additional examination space or examination administration space because of natural disasters, emergencies, or epidemics from other institutions, MOEX might have to deal with location and equipment issues or face availability problems. As a result, it is necessary to build modern examination quarters and a multifunction center for national examination flexibility.

According to MOEX, the project will be located in state-owned land with 13 above-ground and 3 underground levels. Construction of the reinforced concrete building is expected to take 6 years (62 months). Design and planning is set to begin in 2023 with construction to be completed in 2028. Three levels will be used as examination quarters for 65 people, with the other 10 levels used for computer-based exams, digital oral exams, practical exams, and model exam rooms for candidates with disabilities.

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