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Publish Date 2024-02-01
Title MOEX plans promotion strategies and works with hiring agencies to select civil servants

At the 173rd meeting of the Examination Yuan’s 13th term held today, MOEX presented an update to its plans for promoting civil service recruitment and the future development of the civil service preparatory corps. Examination Yuan President Huang Jong-tsun noted that civil service recruitment is faced with a declining fertility rate, changing demographics, diversified career options for college graduates, and a highly competitive job market. President Huang also pointed out the need to keep up with young people’s needs and thoughts and to think outside the box while promoting national exams, and suggested that collaboration between central and local governments and hiring agencies is crucial to creating motivating work environments and increasing young people’s interest in civil service jobs.

MOEX modified its organic laws in May 2023 to select the human resources needed for modern government, expanded its recruitment plans, and set up specialized units. As conventional recruiting has become obsolete, flexible promotion, collaboration with hiring agencies and educational institutions, implementation of civil service preparatory corps, and other cross department integrations may be used to improve civil service recruitment strategies and attract talent.

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