
Ministry of Examination Organization Act

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Ministry of Examination Organization Act


Dates of Promulgation

Establishment of the complete text of 18 articles, promulgated on July 21, 1948 as per Presidential Order.
Amendments to the complete text of 18 articles, promulgated on January 23, 1986 as per Presidential Order.
Amendments to the complete text of 21 articles, promulgated on November 23, 1994 as per Presidential Order Hua-Zong-(1)-Yi-Zi No. 7145.
Amendments to the complete text of 8 articles, promulgated on May 17, 2023 as per Presidential Order Hua-Zong–Yi-Yi-Zi Order No. 11200040951. (The enforcement date of these articles was determined separately by the Examination Yuan; the enforcement date was September 1, 2023, promulgated on July 27, 2023 as per Kao-Tai-Zu-Kao-Yi-Zi No. 11206001291)


Full text of the Act

Article 1

The Ministry of Examination (MOEX), established by the Examination Yuan, is responsible for administrative matters concerning civil service examinations and professional and technical personnel examinations.


Article 2

MOEX has the responsibility to direct and supervise agencies in their implementation of national examinations matters.


Article 3

MOEX is responsible for the following:

1. Information gathering, planning, formulating, research and development of examination policies, systems, and regulations; selection of public servants;

2. Proposal and interpretation of laws and regulations concerning civil service examinations, examination affairs, and related affairs;

3. Proposal and interpretation of laws and regulations concerning professional and technical personnel examinations, examination affairs, and related affairs;

4. Compilation, management, analysis of national exam questions; research and development of examination technologies;

5. Planning and management of digital development and information security for national examinations; and

6. Policy planning, execution, and development for related examination administrative affairs.


Article 4

MOEX shall have a Minister with the rank of special appointment, a Political Deputy with a rank equivalent to senior appointment at Grade 14, and an Administrative Deputy Minister with a rank equivalent to senior appointment at Grade 14.


Article 5

MOEX shall have a Chief Secretary with a rank equivalent to senior appointment at Grade 12.


Article 6

MOEX may employ three to seven persons specialized in examination and assessment research in accordance with the Statute for Employment of Personnel in order to enhance assessment, improve examination technologies and question quality.


Article 7

The ranks, grades, and number of MOEX staff positions shall be specified in a separate organization chart.


Article 8

The enforcement date of this Act shall be determined by the Examination Yuan.

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version of these Regulations, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2024-02-15
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