
Regulations Governing the Mutual Recognition of the Professional and Technical Examinations

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Promulgated on February 21, 2020 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10800089051.


The text of these Regulations is as follows:


Article 1

These Regulations are established as per Article 20, Paragraph 4 of the Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations Act.


Article 2

Where foreign nationals with a valid professional or technical certificate issued by a foreign government register to take the R.O.C.'s corresponding professional and technical examination and apply for an exemption from some exam subjects or exam stages by virtue of international equality and reciprocity, the R.O.C. competent authority supervising that particular professional practice shall process the applicant's qualifications for mutual recognition in accordance with these Regulations.


Article 3

Where a treaty or arrangement has been entered into between the R.O.C. government and a foreign government for mutual recognition of a particular professional licensing examination or practice qualifications, the provisions in the treaty or arrangement are considered as applicable as these Regulations.

Where an agreement or MOU has been entered into between an R.O.C. professional association which has been authorized by the R.O.C. competent authority supervising that particular professional practice and the foreign equivalent association for mutual recognition of the particular professional licensing examination or practice qualifications and the agreement or MOU has been reviewed or approved by the said R.O.C. competent authority, if the foreign nation has already offered reciprocal privileges, the R.O.C. competent authority may approve the mutual recognition accordingly.


Article 4

Where a professional association applies for international mutual recognition to the R.O.C. competent authority supervising that particular professional practice, after the competent authority confirms that R.O.C. nationals with a valid professional or technical certificate issued by the R.O.C. government are entitled to an exemption from a licensing examination or process in a particular region or country or may directly practice the particular profession in the said region or country, the R.O.C. competent authority may offer mutual recognition accordingly.

The competent authority shall invite representatives from related professional associations, scholars, and experts to a consultative meeting before deciding on the abovemetioned recognition; representatives from the MOEX should also be invited to the meeting.


Article 5

The competent authority shall notify the MOEX in writing of its approval of mutual recognition for the particular professional and technical examination in accordance with Articles 2 to 4 herein and specify the scope to which the recognition applies, including examination categories and regions or countries; any amendment to or termination of recognition shall also be notified to the MOEX in writing.

Recognition shall be submitted by the MOEX to the Examination Yuan for recordation and will be publicized in the MOEX communiqué.


Article 6

These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.


In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2022-11-30
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