
Rank Promotion Examinations for Employees of the Transportation and Communications Enterprises: Telecommunication Personnel

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The appointment by the Transportation and Communications Enterprises was first delineated in the Transportation and Communications Enterprises Employees Hiring Act promulgated by the R.O. C. government on December 23, 1947. Later amended and promulgated on July 24, 1957, the Act establishes a set of appointment and promotion procedures that take into account both the rank and post of the employees. The Act stipulates that the appointment and promotion of officers and technicians to the senior level or below shall be determined by examinations; but appointment and promotion to the deputy level or above are to be based on successful qualification review (through procedures set up in the Promotion Review for Employees by Enterprises of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications). The Ministry of Examination in consultation with the Executive Yuan has been in charge of the setting of the relevant examination regulations and qualification review procedures. On December 27, 1963, the Ministry of Examination, in consultation with the Executive Yuan, promulgated the “Regulations for the Rank Promotion Examinations for Employees of the Transportation and Communications Enterprises.” Article 2 of the Regulations stipulates that these Rank Promotion Examinations shall be held at three levels: from officer to senior officer; from assistant to officer; and from clerk to assistant. During their implementation, certain articles of the Regulations, as well as the test subjects for the Examinations, received several revisions in response to the practical and administrative circumstances of the Examinations. In addition, as both the Civil Service Examinations Act and Civil Service Rank Promotion Examinations Act underwent major revisions and were then promulgated respectively in January of 1996 and December of 1999, a portion of the present Regulations also required adjustment and alignment. In particular, the categories and levels of the Examinations needed a comprehensive review and revision to align with the professional functions of the personnel of various specialized businesses. “Regulations for the Rank Promotion Examinations for Employees of the Transportation and Communications Enterprises” were thus amended and promulgated on September 11, 2000. The most recent revision and promulgation of the Regulations took place on March 30, 2004, which revised Articles 4, 5, and 7. The 2004 Rank Promotion Examinations for Employees of the Transportation and Communications Enterprises: Telecommunication Personnel were administered in accordance with the latest version of the Regulations.

Update: 2023-03-16
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