
Education and Work Experience Verification Regulations

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Education and Work Experience Verification Regulations

Dates of Promulgation

Establishment of the complete text of 14 articles, promulgated on November 5, 2001 as per Examination Yuan (90) Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 0900006620 and taking effect upon promulgation.
Amendment to Article 1, promulgated on April 10, 2002 as per Examination Yuan (91) Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 0910002348.
Amendments to Articles 1, 7, 11, 12, and 13, and Appendix to Article 8, promulgated on August 7, 2015 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10400046691.
Amendment to Article 12, promulgated on May 2, 2016 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10500025881.

The text of these Regulations is as follows:

Article 1
These Regulations are established as per Article 14, Paragraph 2 of the Examination Affairs Act.
Article 2
For exams requiring verification of education and work experience, candidates shall when registering submit diplomas, transcripts, and proof of work experience by mail for review.  
The type, format, and number of copies of education qualifications and proof of work experience in the preceding paragraph are specified in regulations for specific exams.
Article 3
Education documents submitted for review shall be diploma or degree certificates issued by a public or a registered private university of the Republic of China or from a foreign institute recognized by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education.
Article 4
Proof of work experience submitted for review shall be documents issued by a government department, government-owned enterprise, registered private enterprise, or a public or private school (the institution or school).
Work experience in the preceding paragraph refers to full time work experience. Seniority is calculated from the date specified in the document issued by the institution or school.
Article 5
Submissions of overseas documents including diplomas, degree certificates, practical certificates, academic transcripts, proof of work experience, or other relevant verification documents, must include original documents with Chinese translations verified by an overseas mission or domestic public notary.
Photocopies of original documents that have been verified to be identical to the original by both a local public notary and an Overseas Mission may be submitted.
Article 6
If submissions of diploma and proof of work experience are incomplete, the examinee will be notified by the exam administration agency. Submissions remaining incomplete after the designated time will not be reviewed.
Article 7
Reviewers are assigned by the Board of Examiners. One reviewer will be appointed as convener.
Reviewers may be chosen from members of the Board of Examiners, or when necessary, by senior civil servants from a relevant hiring agency, an examination agency, a professional supervisory agency, or by experts in the field.
Article 8
Scoring components and weights for education and work experience verifications:
1. Education: 30 points
(1) Relevance of major to exam category (based on department title and course name): 12 points
(2) Degree levels: 18 points
A. Doctoral degree: 15 to 18 points
B. Master’s degree: 12 to 14 points
C. Bachelor’s degree: 10 to 11 points
D. Junior college diploma: 8 to 9 points
2. Work experience: 70 points
(1) Professional achievements (relevant to of exam level and category requirements): 55 points
A. Position and performance at work: 10 points
B. Research and patented inventions: 10 points
(3 to 5 points for each section. Maximum 10 points)
C. Awards or competition records: 15 points
D. Hosting or participating in professional research projects or professional conferences, and publications: 10 points
E. Exam qualifications and professional certificates: 10 points
(2) Seniority at work (relevant to exam level and category requirements): 15 points
(Each year of seniority is worth 1 point.  Six months to one year is counted as one year. Less than 6 months is not counted. Maximum 15 points.)
Scoring components and weights of education and work experience in the preceding paragraph are subject to exam level and category. 
Review sheets are provided in the appendix.
Article 9
A review meeting shall be held to discuss diploma and proof of work experience verification procedures and scoring standards. Each item on the diploma and proof of work experience score sheet will be given a score and commented upon.
The review meeting shall provide reviewers with a scoring reference for exam level and exam categories that includes grading, job descriptions, and scope of practice. 
Article 10
Diploma and proof of work experience submitted for review will be reviewed by two reviewers respectively on a 100-point scale. The final score will be the average of their scores. If the two scores differ by twenty or more points, an additional reviewer will review. An average of the three scores will be the final score. 
Article 11
Members of the Board of Examiners, reviewers, and examination staff members, who themselves or whose spouse, blood relative, or relative through marriage within three degrees of relation happens to take the exam, or those who happen to be the head in the examinee’s workplace, the examinee’s direct superior at work, or examinee’s thesis supervisor, should recuse themselves.
A violation of the preceding paragraph will lead to disqualification from the Board of Examiners or from the position of oral examiner or examination staff member.
Article 12
Members of the Board of Examiners, reviewers and examination staff members shall maintain confidentiality in regard to candidate identification, submissions of education and work experience documents, and the review process.
Disclosure is prohibited and subject to Article 31 of the Examination Affairs Act.
Article 13
Any false documents submitted for review that are discovered after the exam will result in the candidate failing the exam.
Any violation discovered during training will result in the candidate’s disqualification.
Any violation discovered after the candidate completes training, will result in the candidate’s disqualification, and annulment of certification by the Examination Yuan.
If any criminal liability is involved, the matter shall be referred to authorities for prosecution.
Article 14
These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2023-01-17
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