
Regulations Governing National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities

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Regulations Governing National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities

Dates of Promulgation

Establishment of the complete text of 17 articles, promulgated and taking effect on December 22, 2017 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10600079641.
Amendments to Articles 11 to 15, promulgated on January 17, 2022 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 11100004131.
Amendment to Article 4, promulgated on March 2, 2023 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 11206000281.

The text of these Regulations is as follows:

Article 1
These Regulations are established as per to Article 33 of the Examination Affairs Act.

Article 2
People with disabilities may apply for exam accommodations in accordance with these Regulations to protect and ensure equal rights to taking national exams.
People with disabilities referred to in the preceding paragraph are those who meet provisions defined in Article 5 of the People with Disabilities Rights Protection Act.

Article 3
Candidates who have difficulty reading exam questions and completing paper-based tests due to visual impairment may apply for the following accommodations:
1. magnifier lamps or video magnifiers
2. The use of audio-enabled calculators is limited to test subjects where calculators are permitted.
3. large print
4. exam versions in braille
5. computers for the visually impaired
6. extended testing time

Article 4
Candidates with hearing impairments may apply for the following accommodations:
1. Alarms with flashing lights and cue cards indicating exam start and stop times
2. The use of their hearing aids
3. The arrangement of personnel proficient in sign language or verbal communication to act as invigilators and provide assistance

Article 5
Candidates who have difficulty completing paper-based tests due to upper limb disability may apply for the following accommodations:
1. large print
2. extended testing time

Article 6
Candidates with mobility impairment due to lower limb disability may apply for the following accommodations:
1. suitable work stations
2. wheelchairs
3. access to exam rooms on lower levels or test centers with elevators

Article 7
Candidates who have difficulty reading exam questions and completing paper-based testing due to coordination impairment, upper limb disability, or muscular dystrophy may apply for the following accommodations:
1. computer devices provided at the test site
2. large print
3. extended testing time

Article 8
Candidates who have difficulty completing paper-based or computer-based tests due to limb disability or functional impairment may apply for the following accommodations:
1. Essay questions may be typed on a computer or written by a designated person in real time. Multiple-choice exam forms may be marked by a designated person. The candidate must confirm the typed, written, or marked contents to be the candidate’s own.
This accommodation is not applicable for nonverbal test subjects.
2. extended testing time

Article 9
Candidates who have difficulty completing paper-based tests due to visual impairment, poor physical coordination, or upper limb disability may apply for a written or tick method on the test paper provided by MOEX.

Article 10
Candidates who have difficulty reading test questions and completing paper-based tests due to impairments specified in Articles 3 to 9 may apply for accommodations to meet their particular accessibility needs.

Article 11
Extended time is calculated based on the length of the original session:
20 extra minutes for 2-hour exams
30 extra minutes for exams between 2 to 3 hours
40 extra minutes for exams over 3 hours
However, for the practical word processing test of the Grade 5 Typist Category of the Civil Service Special Examination for People with Disabilities, extra time is limited to 4 minutes.
Applicants whose applications for extended examination time is approved shall not request extra time for breaks.

Article 12
Applications for accommodations under these Regulations shall be submitted using the national exam online registration system at the time of registration. Hard copies of required proofs of disability documents shall be delivered to MOEX by the designated deadlines.
Candidates who wish to apply for Braille exam versions, computers, computers for use of the visually impaired, or for designated assistance for test completion shall submit a diagnosis issued by a specialist doctor from a district-level-or-higher hospital certified by the central health supervisory agency within one year of the first day of exam registration. The format of diagnosis is prescribed by MOEX.
After submitting the required diagnosis in accordance with the preceding paragraph and receiving approval, candidates applying for accommodations within the validity period of the document are exempt from resubmitting proof of disability.
When necessary, MOEX may request applicants to provide additional documentation or express their opinions.

Article 13
If required documentation is incomplete or does not comply with regulations, MOEX may notify applicants to re-submit by the designated deadline. Applications will not be accepted if required documentation is not received by the designated deadline.
Rejected applications will be announced on the applicant’s user page on the national exam online registration system. No written notice will be issued.

Article 14
MOEX shall establish a Review Committee for National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities to process all applications under these Regulations.
The Review Committee for National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities shall comprise a chairperson (filled by a Deputy Minister), a deputy chairperson (filled by a senior ranking or above staff member appointed by the MOEX Minister), and 13 to 17 members (appointed from relevant specialists and experts, and representatives of organizations representing people with disabilities). No fewer than one third of the review committee positions shall filled by representatives of organizations representing people with disabilities. Excepting the chairperson and deputy chairperson, members serve 2-year terms and may be reappointed.
Terms of all appointed members shall expire on the same date. If a vacancy is filled during a term, the replacement will serve until the date the original member's term would have expired.
If the chairperson cannot attend a meeting, the deputy chairperson will preside; if both the chairperson and deputy chairperson are abscent, committee members will elect a member to chair the meeting. All other members shall attend meetings in person.

Article 15
Applications for extended examination time, Braille exam versions, computers, computers for use of the visually impaired, designated assistance for test completion, written exam format, or checkbox exam format should be submitted to the Review Committee for National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities. Other requests are reviewed by the examination administrator; any dispute will be referred to the Review Committee for National Examination Rights for People with Disabilities for further evaluation. The review committee shall assess exam fairness, impartiality, applicant rights, and the individual’s mental and physical condition to determine appropriate accommodations.
Applicants will be notified of their review results on their exam registration website account. No written notice will be delivered.

Article 16
Foreign candidates may submit a diagnosis issued by a specialist doctor from a district-level-or-higher hospital certified by the central health supervisory agency within one year of the first day of exam registration and relevant documentation to apply for exam accommodations.

Article 17
These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.


In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2024-11-13
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