
Junior Professional and Technical Examinations Regulations for Tour Guides

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Establishment of the complete text of 17 articles, promulgated on August 16, 2004 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09300070111.
Amendment to Articles 6, 7, 9-12, promulgated on October 25, 2006 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09500081581.
Amendment to Article 8, promulgated on October 17, 2007 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09600072061.
Amendment to Articles 1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, and 14, promulgated on October 16, 2012 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10100088521.
Amendment to Articles 1, 4, and 13, promulgated on August 6, 2013 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10200066911.
Deletion of Articles 15 and 16 and the replacement of Article 15 with Article 17, promulgated on March 24, 2017 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10600015091.
Amendment to Articles 3, 4, 8, 9, 12, and 14, promulgated on November 20, 2017 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10600075231.

Amendment to the complete text of 13 articles, promulgated on July 22, 2019 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10800026291.


The text of these Regulations is as follows:


Article 1

These Regulations are established as per Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations Act.


Article 2

The Junior Professional and Technical Examination for Tour Guides (hereinafter "the Examination") consists of the following categories:

The foreign-language tour guide exam

The Chinese-language tour guide exam


Article 3

The Examination is administered annually or biennially and may be held at other times when necessary.


Article 4

Those who are disqualified from practicing as tour guides according to the Regulations Governing Tour Guides or who are ineligible to take national examinations according to other laws and regulations may not take the Examination.


Article 5

R.O.C. citizens who meet any of the following eligibility requirements may take the Examination:

Have graduated from a public or registered private senior high school or vocational high school, or a foreign school at an equivalent level.

Have passed a national senior examination or junior qualification examination.


Article 6

The foreign-language tour guide exam consists of a written and an oral parts. The Chinese-language tour guide exam is administered in written format.


Article 7

Foreign-language tour guide exam is administered in two stages. Candidates must pass stage one (the written session) in order to progress to stage two (the oral session). The "passed" status of the stage one exam will not be retained for future exams.


Article 8

Foreign-language tour guide exam subjects:

Tour guide practice I (including tour guidance, travel safety and emergency management, tourism psychology and behavior, flight ticketing, basic first aid knowledge, and international etiquette)

Tour guide practice II (including tourism administration and regulations, Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, and current cross-strait relations).

Introduction to tourism resources (including history of Taiwan, geography of Taiwan, and preservation of tourism resources).

Foreign language. Candidates should choose one from the following: English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Korean, Thai, Arabic, Russian, Italian, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Malay, and Turkish.

Candidates who have passed the foreign-language tour guide exam or Chinese-language tour guide exam and hold the qualification certificate may be exempt from subjects other than foreign language in the stage one exam if they register to take the foreign-language tour guide exam.

In the stage two exam (oral exam), candidates are interviewed individually in the foreign language they have chosen and the interview is conducted in accordance with regulations governing the foreign-language oral examination.

All exam subjects in stage one exam consist of multiple-choice questions.


Article 9

Chinese-language tour guide exam subjects:

Tour guide practice I (including tour guidance, travel safety and emergency management, tourism psychology and behavior, flight ticketing, basic first aid knowledge, and international etiquette)

Tour guide practice II (including tourism administration and regulations, Act Governing Relations between the People of the Taiwan Area and the Mainland Area, and current cross-strait relations).

Introduction to tourism resources (including history of Taiwan, geography of Taiwan, and preservation of tourism resources).

All of the above-mentioned exam subjects consist of multiple-choice questions.


Article 10

To pass the Chinese-language tour guide exam, candidates must score a minimum average of 60 points across all exam subjects. Exam takers who receive a grade of zero will not pass. Absence from an exam session will result in a grade of zero for that subject.

To pass the foreign-language tour guide stage one exam, candidates must score a minimum average of 60 points across all exam subjects. Candidates receiving a grade of zero on any exam subject or a score of less than 50 points on the foreign language subject will not pass. Candidates who have been granted a partial exemption must score 60 points at minimum on the foreign language subject in order to pass. Absence from an exam session will result in a grade of zero for that subject.

The score of the foreign-language tour guide stage two exam is calculated as the average of points given by all interviewers. The passing score of this stage is 60 points.


Article 11

Foreign candidates who meet eligibility requirements set out in Article 5, Subparagraph 1 may take the Examination.


Article 12

The list of candidates passing the Examination will be submitted by the MOEX to the Examination Yuan for the issuance of qualification certificates and to the Tourism Bureau of Ministry of Transportation and Communications for reference. The qualification certificate for the foreign-language tour guide exam shall specify the foreign language tested.


Article 13

These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.

Update: 2023-03-16
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