
Senior Professional and Technical Examinations Regulations for Certified Public Accountants

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Establishment of the complete text of 24 articles, promulgated on March 20, 2001 as per Examination Yuan (89) Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No.10994.

Amendments to Articles 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 16, 17, and 19, promulgated on April 29, 2003 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No.09200036491.

Amendment to Article 10, promulgated on December 24, 2003 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No.09200108581.

Amendments to Articles 17 and 21, promulgated on August 17, 2004 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09300069731.

Amendments to Articles 5, 10, 13, and 18, promulgated on May 24, 2005 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09400040321.

Amendment to Article 19, promulgated on January 13, 2006 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09500003831.

Amendments to Articles 15, 16, 17, and 18, promulgated on April 10, 2007 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09600024301.

Amendment to Article 4, promulgated on April 18, 2008 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09700027451.

Amendment to Article 18, promulgated on May 15, 2009 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09800039531.

Amendments to Articles 10, 15, 16, 17, and 24, promulgated on October 13, 2009, as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09800080231.

Amendments to Articles 5, 10, 11, 12, and 24, promulgated on October 26, 2011 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10000088911.

Amendments to Articles 1, 4, 5, 6, 17, 20, and 21, promulgated on August 6, 2013 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10200066911.

Deletions of Articles 22 and 23, and replacement of Article 22 with Article 24, promulgated on March 24, 2017 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10600015091.

Amendments to Articles 10 and 13, promulgated on November 21, 2018 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10700041011.

Amendments to the complete text of 13 articles, promulgated on July 1, 2019 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10800024101.


The text of these Regulations is as follows:


Article 1

These Regulations are established as per Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations Act.

Article 2

Senior Professional and Technical Examination for Certified Public Accountants (hereinafter “the Examination”) is administered annually.

Article 3

Those who are disqualified from practicing as certified public accountants according to the Certified Public Accountant Act or who are ineligible to take national examinations according to other laws and regulations may not take the Examination.


Article 4

R.O.C. nationals who meet any of the following may take the Examination:

1. Have graduated from a division, department, or graduate institute of accounting, accounting technology, accounting and statistics, accounting information, accounting and information technology, accounting (and) finance and taxation, taxation, finance, finance and taxation at a public or a registered private junior college or above in the R.O.C. or at a foreign junior college or above recognized by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education.

2. Have graduated from a division, department, or graduate institute in areas other than those specified in the preceding subparagraph at a public or a registered private junior college or above in the R.O.C. or at a foreign junior college or above recognized by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education, and must have completed intermediate accounting or accounting (II), cost accounting or management accounting, and auditing or advanced auditing, and at least four of the following: accounting principles, accounting (I), or industrial accounting; advanced accounting or accounting (III); tax accounting; government accounting; accounting practice; study into the work of CPAs; accounting for non-profits; financial statement analysis; financial management or financial economics; public finance; economics; introduction to Civil Code; commercial law; Securities and Exchange Act or relevant laws governing securities; tax laws and regulations; information processing, electronic data processing, introduction to computer science, computer programming & application or computer application; computer auditing; accounting information system; statistics; code of professional ethics; Company Act; Business Entity Accounting Act; introduction to management or business management, business policies, or organization & management; management information system; bank accounting; accounting system; and Certified Public Accountant Act. Each course may count for a maximum of three credits, with at least 20 credits completed.

3. Have passed any Qualifying Examination for Senior Examinations in any equivalent category.

Article 5

R.O.C. nationals who meet any of the following may apply for a partial examination exemption:

1. Have met eligibility requirements set out in Article 5, Subparagraphs 1 or 2, and have served three years or more as a junior-rank or an equivalent-rank (or higher) accountant or auditor with documents proving the service.

2. Have met eligibility requirements set out in Article 5, Subparagraphs 1 or 2; served at least three years as a lecturer, at least two years as an assistant or associate professor, or at least one year as a professor and taught at least two of the courses listed in Article 5, Subparagraph 2, including at least one of the following: accounting principles or accounting (I); intermediate accounting or accounting (II); advanced accounting or accounting (III); cost accounting or management accounting; and auditing or advancing auditing with certifying documents. Seniority for adjunct positions shall be measured as half the total length of employment.

3. Hold a foreign CPA certificate equivalent to the R.O.C. CPA certificate and have served one year or more as an audit assistant in a CPA firm with documents proving the service.

Applicants for a partial exemption shall obtain the required qualification before exam registration starts and shall submit documents proving their qualification with the application.


Article 6

To certify qualifications set out in Article 5, Paragraph1, Subparagraph 1, the candidate shall submit the following for review:

1.Proof of exam eligibility.

2.Certificate of civil service issued by the Ministry of Civil Service.

3.Order of appointment issued by budgeting or auditing agency. Candidates who have served in state owned enterprises should submit an order of appointment and other documents certifying the appointment issued by the accounting department of the superior agency; candidates who have served in the military should submit an order of appointment for ranks above Captain, order of service, and certifying documents issued by the Comptroller Bureau of the Ministry of National Defense.

4.Documents certifying the candidate’s seniority.

To certify qualifications set out in Article 5, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 2, the candidate shall submit the following for review:

1.Proof of exam eligibility.

2.Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, or Professor Certificate issued by the R.O.C. Ministry of Education.

3.Certificate of employment issued by the school.

4.Documents issued by the school indicating that the candidate has taught the required accounting subjects.

To certify qualifications set out in Article 5, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3, the candidate shall submit the following for review:

1.A foreign CPA certificate.

2.A copy of regulations applicable to the issuance of the said certificate.

3.Documents submitted for the issuance of the said certificate certifying the candidate’s education and professional experience.

4.Documents proving the candidate’s seniority and service of more than one year as an audit assistant in a CPA firm.


Article 7

Applications for a partial exam exemption will be reviewed by a committee established by the Ministry of Examination (MOEX). Results of the review are approved by the MOEX and reported to the Examination Yuan for record.

Candidates who are granted a partial exam exemption will receive proof of the exemption issued by the MOEX.

Article 8

The exam subjects include general and professional subjects:

1. General subject: Chinese (essay).

2. Professional subjects:

(1) Intermediate accounting.

(2) Advanced accounting.

(3) Cost accounting and management accounting.

(4) Auditing.

(5) Company Act, Securities and Exchange Act, and Business Entity Accounting Act.

(6) Taxation laws and regulations.

All subjects consist of both essay and multiple choice questions, with the exception of Chinese, which is tested in essay format.

Article 9

Candidates who have been granted a partial exam exemption according to Article 5, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 1 or 2 are exempt from Chinese (essay) and intermediate accounting.

Candidates who have been granted a partial exam exemption according to Article 5, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 3 are exempt from Chinese (essay), intermediate accounting, advanced accounting, and cost accounting & management accounting.


Article 10

To pass the Examination, candidates must pass each exam subject with a score of 60 points or higher. However, for the subject Chinese, examinees whose score is higher than the average of all examinees is also considered passing the subject. The average score should be rounded to two decimal places.

The pass status for an exam subject is valid for three years starting from the date exam results are announced.

The pass status for an exam subject will be deemed as invalid if the candidate registers to re-sit for that same subject.

The score of a passed subject which the candidate has received before meeting the requirements for a partial exemption may be counted during the validity period.

Article 11

Foreign candidates who meet eligibility requirements set out in Article 4, Subparagraphs 1 or 2 may take the Examination and may apply for a partial exam exemption according to Article 5, Paragraph 1, Subparagraphs 2 and 3.

Article 12

The list of candidates passing the Examination will be submitted by the MOEX to the Examination Yuan for the issuance of qualification certificates and to the Financial Supervisory Commission for reference.


Article 13

These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.


In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2022-11-30
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