
Junior Professional and Technical Examinations Regulations for Realtors

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Establishment promulgated on December 30, 2000 as per Examination Yuan (89) Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10995.
Amendments to Article 9, promulgated on July 25, 2001 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 0900005462.
Amendments to Articles 1, 4, and 10, promulgated on August 13, 2002 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 0910005461.
Amendments to Articles 6 and 9, promulgated on April 29, 2003 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No.09200036491.
Amendments to Article 6, promulgated on December 24, 2003 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09200108581.
Amendments to Article 10, promulgated on January 13, 2006, as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09500003831.
Amendments to Articles 2, 6, 7, 8, and 15, promulgated on August 21, 2006, as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09500065641.
Amendments to Article 6, promulgated on July 24, 2007 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09600051691.
Amendments to Articles 6, 7, 8, and 15, promulgated on December 25, 2009 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 09800102351.
Amendments to Articles 1, 4, 5, 11, and 15, promulgated on August 6, 2013 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10200066911.
Deletions of 13 and 14 as well as replacement of Article 13 with 15, promulgated on March 24, 2017 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10600015091.
Amendments to Articles 6, promulgated on November 21, 2018 as per Examination Yuan Kao-Tai-Zu-(1)-Yi-Zi Order No. 10700041011.

The text of these Regulations is as follows:

Article 1

These Regulations are established as per Article 11, Paragraph 1 of the Professional and Technical Personnel Examinations Act.

Article 2

Junior Professional and Technical Examinations for Realtors (“the Examination”) is administered annually and may be held at other times when necessary.

Article 3

The Examination is administered in written format.

Article 4

No candidate who meets conditions referred to in Article 6, Paragraph 1, Sub-paragraphs 1 to 4 or 7 of the Real Estate Broking Management Act may take the Examination.

Article 5

R.O.C. citizens who meet any one of the following may register for the Examination:

1. Have graduated from a public or registered private senior high, vocational high school, or higher education institute.

2. Have passed a national senior examination or junior qualification examination.

Article 6

The exam subjects are divided into general and professional subjects:

1. General subject:

(1) Chinese (essay).

2. Professional subjects:

(2) Civil Code.

(3) Real estate appraisal.

(4) Land Act and relevant taxation regulations.

(5) Relevant regulations on real estate brokerage management.

All subjects in the preceding paragraph consist of both essay and multiple choice questions, with the exception of Chinese which is tested in essay format.

Article 7

When registering, candidates should submit the following documents and fees by mail:

1. Registration form.

2. Proof of exam eligibility or approval for partial exemption.

3. Copy of citizen identification card.Overseas Chinese should submit their Overseas Chinese Identity Certificate issued by the Overseas Community Affairs Council, or submit their valid R.O.C. passport with approval from an overseas embassy or consulate, representative office, economic and cultural office, or other agency authorized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter “Overseas Missions”) proving them to be R.O.C. nationals residing in a foreign country.

4. A 2.5-cm by 3.5-cm close-up photograph showing the head and top of the shoulders. Head coverings should not be worn and the photo should be taken within one year.

5. Registration fee.

Documents and fees for online registrations should be submitted in accordance with guidelines found in the Examination Information Pack and on the MOEX registration website.

Article 8

For submissions of overseas documents including diplomas, certificates of degree, academic transcripts, credit verifications, copies of regulations, or other relevant verification documents, original documents must be provided along with Chinese translations and copies of verification from overseas missions or from a domestic public notary.

Original copies of the abovementioned documents may be replaced with copies that have been verified to be identical to the original by both a local public notary and an Overseas Mission.

Article 9

The passing score for the Examination is 60 points across all exam subjects.

The passing score in the preceding paragraph is defined as the combined score of both general and professional exam subjects. The score on the general subject is calculated as Chinese score x 10%; the score on the professional subjects is calculated as the average score on the four professional exam subjects x 90%.

Exam takers who receive a grade of zero on any one of the exam subjects or who receive an average score on the four professional subjects of less than 50 points will not pass. Absence from an exam session will result in a grade of zero for that subject.

Article 10 (Deleted)

Article 11

Foreign candidates who meet eligibility requirements set out in Article 5, Paragraph 1 and who do not meet conditions set out in Article 4 may take the Examination.

Article 12

Examination results shall be reported by the MOEX to the Examination Yuan for the issuance of qualification certificates. The Ministry of the Interior shall be duly informed in writing.

Article 13

These Regulations shall come into effect upon promulgation.

In case of any discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version, the latter shall prevail.

Update: 2022-11-30
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